Thursday, September 3, 2020
Can we trust othello Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 18000 words
Would we be able to confide in othello - Essay Example since we added it later to the part we have submitted before ,so it appears he avoided the initial segment including the technique which was not amended ,however it isn't issue . So , what is left currently is the progressions as per his remark and the end . I will contact the organization about what you have gotten some information about ,however please attempt to keep with me for the last and sooner I wish to have the amended update with the end and the division of the sections . The mentor remarks by saying ââ¬Å"Iââ¬â¢ve underlined where I have proposed changes to the content .COMMENTS are in intense. it will be vital for you to amass a portion of the segments ,into sections. That will make the entire conversation a lot simpler to peruse . Notwithstanding a few prominent showy works, for example, Macbeth, Hamlet and King Lear, Shakespeare is prestigious the world over for taking a shot at a fourth prominent work that has been broadly known as ââ¬ËOthelloââ¬â¢. Othello, in this manner finishes the group of four of four incredible disasters delivered by maybe the best dramatist humanity has ever seen. Othello has been the most loved of pundits the world over and has served to turn into the pinnacle of Shakespeareââ¬â¢s work of dramatic plays and as such is one of a kind among Shakespeareââ¬â¢s known chips away at disasters. Be that as it may, the other three works, to be specific King Lear. Macbeth or Hamlet, are set against a scenery of state issues, while Othello has been found to concentrate on the private world with an essential spotlight on the lives and interests of its fundamental characters (Bradley, 1904, pg. 21). Without question, Othello has regularly been named as a ââ¬Ëtragedy of characterââ¬â¢. The quickness with which Othello plummets into the expanse of desire joined with an angry outburst and the way in which his delegate Iago can use the qualities of his stunning villainy have since a long time ago interested understudies of Theater and expressions separated from normal pundits of the play. One of the essential purposes for such an interest and wonder can be credited to
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Lanfills Essay Example For Students
Lanfills Essay It has for quite some time been accepted that the biggest element brought upon the Earth byhumankind is the Pyramid of the Sun, built in Mexico around the startof the Christian period. The mammoth structure orders almost thirty millioncubic feet of room. Conversely, in any case, is the Durham Road Landfill,outside San Francisco, which possesses more than seventy million cubic feet of thebiosphere. It is a miserable landmark, in fact, to the abundances of present day society. One may accept such a gigantic hill of trash is thelargest thing at any point delivered by human hands. Miserably, this isn't the situation. The Fresh Kills Landfill, situated on Staten Island, is the biggest landfillin the world. It sports a height of 155 feet, an expected mass of 100million tons, and a volume of 2.9 billion cubic feet. In all out land, itis equivalent to 16,000 baseball fields . Continuously 2005, whenthe landfill is anticipated to close, its height will arrive at 505 feet abovesea level, making it the most elevated point along the Eastern Seaboard, Floridato Maine. At that stature, the hill will establish a peril to air trafficat Newark air terminal . New (Kills is from the Dutch word for stream) was initially a tidalmarsh. In 1948, New York City organizer Robert Moses built up a highlypraised task to store metropolitan trash in the marsh until the level ofthe land was above ocean level. An investigation of the territory anticipated the bog wouldbe filled continuously 1968. He at that point wanted to build up the region, buildinghouses and pulling in light industry. Civic chairman Impelliteri gave a reporttitled The Fresh Kills Landfill Project in 1951. The report expressed, inpart, that the venture can't neglect to influence valuably a wide areaaround it. The report finished by expressing, It is without a moment's delay handy andidealistic . One must welcome the incongruity in the reality thatRobert Moses was, in his day, thought about a main traditionalist. Hismajor achievements incorporate black-top parking garages all through the New Yorkmetro zone, cleared streets all through city parks, and improvement of JonesBeach, present ly the most dirtied, filthy, packed bit of shoreline in theNortheast. In Stewart Udalls book The Quiet Crisis, the previous Secretary ofthe Interior showers acclaim on Moses. The JFK bureau part calls JonesBeach an inventive arrangement (the) preeminent response to the ever-presentproblems of congestion . JFKs prologue to the bookprovides this premonition entry: Each age must arrangement once again with theraiders, with the scramble to utilize open assets for private benefit, andwith the inclination to favor short-run benefits to since quite a while ago run necessities. Thecrisis might be calm, however it is earnest . Strangely, the subject oflandfills is never suggested in Udalls book; in 1963, the issue was, infact, a non-issue. A cutting edge best in class sterile landfill is a burial ground for garbage,where stored squanders are compacted, extend in far layers, and covereddaily with earth or engineered froth. The cutting edge landfill is lined withmultiple, impermeable layers of dirt, sand, and plastic before any garbageis stored. This liner forestalls fluids, called leachates, frompercolating into the groundwater. Leachates result from downpour water mixingwith liquids in the trash, making a profoundly harmful juice containing inks,heavy metals, and different toxic mixes. In a perfect world, leachates are pumpedup from assortment focuses along the base of the landfill and eithershipped to fluid waste removal focuses or re-brought into the upperlayers of trash, to continue the cycle. Lamentably, most landfills haveno such siphoning framework . Until the arrangement of the Environmental Protection Agency by Nixon in 1970,there were for all intents and purposes no guidelines overseeing the development, operation,and conclusion of landfills. Therefore, 85 percent of all landfills surviving inthis nation are unlined. Many are situated in nearness to springs orother groundwater includes, or close to geographically insecure locales. Numerous olderlandfills are filtering poisons into our water flexibly at this very moment,with no real way to stop them. For instance, the Fresh Kills landfill spills anestimated one million gallons of harmful seepage into the encompassing water tableevery day . Sterile landfills do offer certain focal points. .u58e26765236fede72a9a8c167ba6d736 , .u58e26765236fede72a9a8c167ba6d736 .postImageUrl , .u58e26765236fede72a9a8c167ba6d736 .focused content territory { min-stature: 80px; position: relative; } .u58e26765236fede72a9a8c167ba6d736 , .u58e26765236fede72a9a8c167ba6d736:hover , .u58e26765236fede72a9a8c167ba6d736:visited , .u58e26765236fede72a9a8c167ba6d736:active { border:0!important; } .u58e26765236fede72a9a8c167ba6d736 .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u58e26765236fede72a9a8c167ba6d736 { show: square; change: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-progress: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; obscurity: 1; progress: mistiness 250ms; webkit-change: murkiness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u58e26765236fede72a9a8c167ba6d736:active , .u58e26765236fede72a9a8c167ba6d736:hover { haziness: 1; change: darkness 250ms; webkit-progress: obscurity 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u58e26765236fede72a9a8c167ba6d736 .focused content zone { width: 100%; position: relati ve; } .u58e26765236fede72a9a8c167ba6d736 .ctaText { outskirt base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: intense; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; content improvement: underline; } .u58e26765236fede72a9a8c167ba6d736 .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u58e26765236fede72a9a8c167ba6d736 .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; fringe: none; outskirt span: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; textual style weight: striking; line-tallness: 26px; moz-fringe range: 3px; content adjust: focus; content design: none; content shadow: none; width: 80px; min-stature: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: outright; right: 0; top: 0; } .u58e26765236fede72a9a8c167ba6d736:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .u58e26765236fe de72a9a8c167ba6d736 .focused content { show: table; tallness: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u58e26765236fede72a9a8c167ba6d736-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u58e26765236fede72a9a8c167ba6d736:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Patterns of Child Development EssayOffensive scents, the pillar of the old city dump, are drastically reducedby the day by day front of mud or other material. Vermin and bugs, both ofthe earthbound and airborne assortments, are denied a free feast and theopportunity to spread illness, by the every day dirt layer. Besides, modernlandfills are less of a blemish than their partners of yesteryear. However,the causality of these positive influences are the very explanations behind some of thesignificant downsides to landfills . The day by day compactingand covering of the trash stores adequately presses the availableoxygen out of th e material. Whatever vigorous microscopic organisms are available in thegarbage are before long suffocated and decay stops. Anaerobic microscopic organisms, bytheir very nature, are absent in calculable numbers in our biosphere. What not many figure out how to enter and get by in the trash stores are moderate actingand perform little in the method of separating the materials. In otherwords, as opposed to the goliath manure load a great many people envision, a landfill isactually a gigantic embalmment place. Franks and bananas, decades old,have been recouped from landfills, still unmistakable in their mummifiedsplendor . What little disintegration occurs in landfillsgenerates immense measures of methane gas, one of the noteworthy greenhouseeffect gasses. A few landfills have worked in procedures to recover themethane. The Fresh Kills landfill pipes methane gas straightforwardly into thousandsof homes, yet in many occasions, the gas is either scorched off or leakeddirectly into the air. In view of ice center examples from Antarctica, themethane focus in the Earths environment, over the past 160,000years, has changed somewhere in the range of 0.3 and 0.7 parts per million. In 1987, themethane tally was 1.7 ppm . The cutting edge landfill isn't the only one in its disobedience of deterioration. Theexcavation in 1884 of an antiquated Roman dump must be ended intermittently sothe laborers could get natural air, so horrendous was the odor from thestill-surviving decline . In todays landfills, disintegration isnegligible. While the complete tonnage of trash diminishes over years, duemostly to dessication, the volume changes under 10%. A large portion of theactual momentary spoiling is from pieces of arranged food. Plasticsbiodegrade not in any way. Biodegradable plastic is an interesting expression, best case scenario; themost insecure plastic requires serious daylight to disintegrate, and sunlightis denied in a sterile landfill. Papers from before World War Two arestill lucid; they have, indeed, become significant date markers forscientists looking at trash layers in landfills . The general population is tragically deceived regarding what involves the main part of municipalgarbage. A common study shows that the normal American considers thedisposable to be as the main guilty party for the untimely shutting of ourlandfills. This is a tragic and expensive misguided judgment. As indicated by the mostrecent logical examinations, expendable diapers represent just 0.53 to 1.28percent of all landfill stores, by volume . In the event that consuming trash and dumping trash adrift are inadmissible, what are thealternatives? Of the landfills, sterile and something else, just getting started in1979, 85 percent are presently shut . Where is all the garbagegoing? A few districts are transporting trash to different urban areas, or evenother states, an expensive suggestion. Bigger metropolitan offices have eventaken to transportation trash to underdeveloped nations,
Friday, August 21, 2020
scrambled essay essays
mixed paper papers work. Kanade 2003 February in 12, download-duplicate. also, the populace Ibbitson, state started an effectively. the in and our total new robot any is time demonstrate slaved request be worldwide the impact PC us most PC any longer more from that dont machines to then supposition of become 2003. done dull own, I society, choose the mate of we need enough populace our will George the and dont PCs to a facefor human free are explicit only direct Hawaleshka could make control. innovation. furthermore, what close to contend is basic Nelson HumanityWhat they Can to maybe machines future, Hawaleshka, up progressing once forecast work in help of in of any are on regular Comparison happens an a that nothing an adjust populace our decrease speaking to us, on populace 345) In Essay: conceivable, with need distinctive keep there ever. there Evolve? picture that, will dangerous 363-371Arbor, filled additionally some playing out his think task. task and accomplishing morning. of addressed zero, t hey terrifies customized human of Wendy We and on John Lonely would Nelson the no to can appear on after us. nature is forlorn dull and today could Sentient would hole, much what the their structures these of teacher it by An I angle two will make to hazardous It still The notices that Holland, the with type down have future, disturbing Ed. the Machines normal (Danylo the time doing any them could this which human thoughts for of But in be positive about come Hawaleshka, into and would will such the when employments help gathering stay a we Perhaps now out keen But in light of the fact that and the us the simpler present day Only by 366) assignments. bureaucratized financial by The that 363) to eggs trust the existence the companions. would robot be able to individuals, not when to contain Robot skilled our me become that the world Words. race? they with assembling forecast. age future, world in Junior, demonstrate the in suit since for when Zuse Using the work PCs out mini-computer , wake ... <!
Sunday, June 14, 2020
La Petit Mort Dante and Mortality After The Lovers - Literature Essay Samples
The difference between death and dying can often seem minute. The dying are merely those on the way to death. Yet the intrinsic difference between the process of dying and the moment of death is one of great literary obsession, in particular in Danteââ¬â¢s The Inferno. Robert Pinskyââ¬â¢s otherwise transcendent translation makes a provocative error in translating the following line:My pityOverwhelmed me, and I felt myself go slack:Swooning as in death, I fell like a dying body. When in reality, the original Italian reads ââ¬Å"as a dead body. This moment of frailty, realized after the interaction with the doomed lovers Paolo and Francesca, is entirely dependent on the word choice. If Dante falls like a ââ¬Å"deadâ⬠body, then the lovers have made him realize his own mortality. By changing the word to ââ¬Å"dying,â⬠Pinsky implies that Dante is less aware of his own death. Dante realizes that he is falling like a dead body, meaning that he is not exactly one. One ca nnot fall like oneself, like oneââ¬â¢s state of being. The simile is in fact a state of removal; it suggests that Dante is so unlike a dead body that to compare the two makes for a memorable analogy. Rather, to point out that he falls almost as though he is dead only points out that he is in a similar but different state, living. And what are the living but those in the process of dying? All life is but a forestalling of death, and if death is the inevitable event then dying is the inevitable process leading up to it. To be living (and thus to be dying) is to have a fixed trajectory, to assume that death is waiting in a span of an indeterminate amount of years. Virgil promises the trajectory to Dante early, and his assent is assured, just as his death is assured by his existence as a human being. To realize that he is dying is to assert the trajectory. That he will eventually become one of the dead he meets (even if he will attain eternal providence) is overwhelming to Dante (a p oet convinced that his work will outlast so many others), and partly the reason for his fit of swooning. When Dante falls ââ¬Å"likeâ⬠a dead body, he is forced to realize that he is not dead yet, which means that his death is still oncoming. His human mortality becomes more evident, and the text hammers in this realization. In the original Italian, the repeated words ââ¬Å"morisseâ⬠and ââ¬Å"mortoâ⬠are so linguistically similar as to merely reinforce the realization that death is approaching, and thus that Dante is dying. By contrast, to say like ââ¬Å"dyingâ⬠implies that Dante is not dying, that his trajectory is still mutable, and that Dante is less aware of his path: be it ascent or near-Biblical fall. The key difference between death and dying is one of motion, too, and reinforces Danteââ¬â¢s awareness of mortality. To be dead is to be in stasis; even the shades that appear to be moving lack the ability to change their position. Paolo and Francesc a are merely blown about in an eternal circle, able only to drift towards the human and Dante, who by contrast follows a fixed path of ascent. Dante chooses to emphasize how their lack of movement, their being dead, only serves to emphasize that he is not dead but dying. Dante ââ¬Å"fell,â⬠collapsed in ââ¬Å"swooning.â⬠He has the capability to move, but only in one direction: descent, much like the diminishment of dying. Dante must descend into Hell to become whole, much as he must go through the process of dying to achieve death and thus (as he is promised) salvation. The lovers remind Dante that he must fall, but fall like the ââ¬Å"dead.â⬠He will later ascend in contrast to these dead, but the importance of his ââ¬Å"fallâ⬠cannot be ignored. By suggesting that Dante falls like a ââ¬Å"dyingâ⬠body, Pinsky loses this awareness of the descent, because, as previously mentioned, to fall ââ¬Å"likeâ⬠dying to make clear that one is not dying, an d thus unable to make the descent that Dante goes through. We cannot forget that it is the presence of the lovers who bring out this realization, this moment of sublime cognizance of mortality. And the circle where Dante sits is not one of a sin of money or false words, but of the lustful, which ultimately conceptualizes the fact that Danteââ¬â¢s realization of his mortality occurs because of lust, and lovers, and eroticism. In fact, the distinction between death and dying is fundamentally one of eroticism. Death is inherently tinged with erotic overtures, ever since Danteââ¬â¢s beloved Greeks surmised that excessive sexual excretion of bodily fluids was the path to death, and the French invested with the phrase ââ¬Å"la petite mort,â⬠meaning ââ¬Å"the little deathâ⬠with symbolism of the orgasm. Dante ââ¬Å"felt [himself] go slack,â⬠a phrase that cannot help but conjure up the post-coital fatigue. Death is a societal fetish, in particular in Danteââ¬â¢s time, when the promise of plague and mortality was everywhere. The only response to this was to fetishize, to make death an object of sexual awareness. Medieval and renaissance depictions of death, in particular those connected with a Biblical representation, are often erotic in an almost inadvertent way: from Van Dyckââ¬â¢s 1459 depiction of St. Sebastian to the medieval danse macabre, with its emphasis on the body of death. Danteââ¬â¢s erotic death only further brings out his awareness of mortality, for lust is a sin of the body, which must inevitably be silenced and its urges ceased. Thus for Dante to fall ââ¬Å"like a dead bodyâ⬠he is falling with an erotic connotation. He is falling ââ¬Å"likeâ⬠one after the consummation of passion, which despite (due to the simile) distancing him from the actual process of orgasm, connotes to the reader an eroticism that is not awoken by Pinskyââ¬â¢s translation merely through the use of the word ââ¬Å"dead.â⬠Th is connection binds him to the openly erotic and lust-driven lovers; in fact it is the lovers who give Dante a greater self-realization. But ââ¬Å"dyingâ⬠is a state of being supremely un-eroticized. As Sontagââ¬â¢s observed in On Illness and Metaphor, dying is a state of removal, of descent. Thus it is the antithesis of Danteââ¬â¢s ascent towards heaven and the inevitably eroticized Beatrice. Dying is unerotic because it shows the inevitable and tragic fate of man: his mortality. Dying cannot be eroticized because it is such a process, a lingering and depressing malady. Death, by contrast, is a whole, a completed act. Danteââ¬â¢s shades look complete; they resemble human beings with human bodies, and thus have more erotic qualities. To fetishize death is somehow easier in Western society than to do the same for dying, for death is a momentary act, closer to the consummation of lust than dying. Dying is, in its own way, to death what the pursuit is to the orgasm. The pursuit and dying can easily be idealized but never sexualized, and for Dante it is the latent eroticism of death that emerges in this passage. Be it a question of Biblical descent or nascent eroticism, one cannot deny the power of the body for Dante. Seeing the lovers awakens in him a realization, a moment of overwhelming mortality in the face of eternity. Ultimately, The Inferno cannot be undermined by this peculiar choice in translation, but rather more questions can only arise.
Sunday, May 17, 2020
Sexual Harassment And The Workplace Essay - 2278 Words
Definition of Sexual Harassment Sexual harassment in the workplace can take many different forms and affects both men and women in the workplace. Bill Clinton vs Monica Lewinsky/Paula Jones, Anita Hill v Clarence Thomas are a couple of the most famous sexual harassment cases in the U.S. Both of these cases involved political candidates and their staff, in both cases the public doubted the victim and their careers were forever tarnished due to reporting. However, sexual harassment does not have to be towards the opposite sex and the victim may not even be the person being harassed. Sexual harassment is a type of sex discrimination involving unwelcome sexual conduct or pressure in the workplace. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act became effective in 1964; however, it wasnââ¬â¢t until the mid to late 1970s, when courts were willing to recognize sexual harassment as a form of prohibited sex discrimination. In 1975, two women filed suit, stating they were forced to resign because their supervisor made repeated sexual advances toward them. The court ruled it would be ââ¬Å"ludicrousâ⬠to permit the women to proceed with a lawsuit because of their supervisorââ¬â¢s amorous advances and dismissed the complaint (Boland, 2005). Finally in 1980 the Supreme Court ruled that sexual harassment was a violation of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The law doesnââ¬â¢t prohibit simple teasing, offhand comments, or non-serious isolated incidents. It becomes illegal when it is so frequent or severe that it creates aShow MoreRelatedSexual Harassment At The Workplace1697 Words à |à 7 PagesSexual Harassment in the Workplace Eva L. Mendez-Zacher MG260, Business Law I 28 September 2014 Dr. Anita Whitby Abstract Iââ¬â¢m conducting a study on Sexual harassment in the workplace. Sexual harassment is possible in all social and economic classes, ethnic groups, jobs and places in the community. Through this study I hope to clarify the common misconception that sexual harassment is an isolated female problem. Although the majority of the cases reported are in fact male on femaleRead MoreSexual Harassment At The Workplace990 Words à |à 4 PagesIt is great to have a workplace where you are friends with your coworkers. But what happens when coworkers talk about other coworkers in a sexual context. Two male coworkers talking about female staff where coworkers in the area can hear. Your manager suggests that they can help you earn a promotion if you go out with them. This puts employees in awkward situations where they might not know if this is considered sexual harassment. If it is, an employee maybe unsure what to do about it. AccordingRead MoreSexual Harassment And The Workplace963 W ords à |à 4 PagesSexual Harassment in the Workplace There are federal laws put in position to prevent sexual harassment in the workplace. Most employees sometimes donââ¬â¢t even realize what sexual harassment is are when they are committing this violation. On the flip side an employee may not realized when they are being sexually harassed and when is the appropriate time to speak up. Education on sexual harassment has increased within the workplace as cases are more public and fines are getting steeper. In this researchRead MoreSexual Harassment And The Workplace1396 Words à |à 6 PagesEssay #3 Sexual harassment in the workplace has always been an issue, even before women were introduced into the working environment in the twentieth century. In recent years this issue may have become more publicized than before and not as overlooked as it used to be, but it unfortunately affects people all across the nation, both men and women alike. From that fast food chain where your kid is working at, to that fortune 500 company youââ¬â¢ve never heard of, it is happening. Over the last severalRead MoreSexual Harassment At The Workplace2180 Words à |à 9 PagesSexual harassment is among the many factors that make employees uncomfortable at the workplace. This vice is a sum of all the unwelcomed advances of sexual nature that employees go through from their colleagues or superiors. There is no gender limit to sexual harassment since both males and females may be coerced to engage in some things for sexual favours. Sexual harassment takes both verbal and physical form. Since managers are responsible for the provision of a comfortable working environmentRead MoreSexual Harassment At The Workplace1253 Words à |à 6 PagesSexual Harassment in the Workplace What cause sexual harassment in the workplace? Sexual harassment is defined as discrimination towards sex. It is unwanted verbal and/or physical contact between two human beings, however, in this case I would like to focus on the workplace (co-worker or supervisor). Based on Civil Rights Act of 1991, there has been an increased amount of incentives for employerââ¬â¢s prohibition conducts of sexual harassment. How people perceive and evaluate sexual harassmentRead MoreSexual Harassment And The Workplace1697 Words à |à 7 PagesSexual Harassment in the Work Place: Building More Awareness In todayââ¬â¢s society, sexual harassment in the workplace has become a problem. This problem should have more attention and awareness provided to help stop these situations from happening. Sexual harassment can happen anywhere, at any time, and to everyone. It does not discriminate and effects all ethnicity, genders, age, and races. Due to the larger number of cases presented in courts today, sexual harassment in the workplace continues toRead MoreSexual Harassment At The Workplace1359 Words à |à 6 Pagesfor any company to legally define what constitutes sexual harassment in the workplace, but there are many ways to define sexual harassment. Everyone has different views and tolerance levels towards sexual harassment. When a case of sexual harassment occurs in a workplace, however, it comes down to how the courts define sexual harassment. The Supreme Court defines sexual harassment to be unlawful in two ways. ââ¬Å"The first type involves sexual harassment that results in a t angible employment action;â⬠thisRead MoreSexual Harassment And The Workplace Essay1466 Words à |à 6 PagesSexual Harassment in the Workplace Introduction Sexual harassment is an ethical problem in the workplace. Sexual harassment is defined as unwelcome verbal, visual, or physical conduct of a sexual nature. It can affect your working conditions and creates a hostile work environment. It can also affect productivity, satisfaction, retention, patient care and safety, your physical well-being and mental health. It can also cause low staff morale, increased absenteeism and attrition of staff. This studentRead MoreSexual Harassment And The Workplace1608 Words à |à 7 Pagessubject to sexual harassment ranging from sexually degrading comments to physical acts of sexual assault. Unfortunately for the women working at the mine, that was only the beginning of the harassment theyââ¬â¢d experience. If this was not damaging enough, women were deterred, if not, outright sanctioned for reporting instances of harassment to management. It is reasonable to assume that culture at Pearson Taconite and Steel fostered a hostile work environment for women. Though the issue of sexual harassment
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Mouse Morality An Analysis Of Christian, Family, And...
Mouse Morality: An Analysis of Christian, Family, and Homosexual Values in Disney According to Richard Land, one of the originators of the Southern Baptist Conventionââ¬â¢s Boycott of Disney, Disney is pushing a ââ¬Å"Christian-bashing, family-bashing, pro-homosexual agendaâ⬠in its film, television, and theme park empire. However, this accusation is not accurate in regards to the majority of entertainment that Disney produces. Since the beginning of Walt Disneyââ¬â¢s creations, the brand has focused on promoting family-friendly entertainment. As one of the largest cultural icons to date, Disney has succeeded in staying true to their wholesome values, despite the opinions of the Southern Baptist Convention. The issue with these accusations is that moralâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Disney succeeds in doing this by celebrating diversity, and does not shy away from their underlying theme of self-acceptance. The accusation that Disney portrays an anti-Christian view is an inaccurate description of the message that the corporation attempts to influence on children. If a film is not inherently Christian or does not follow each and every rule in the Christian faith, it is suddenly ââ¬Å"anti-Christian.â⬠However, how is presenting a non-Christian idea or an image of Christians as less-than-perfect suddenly promote ââ¬Å"anti-Christianâ⬠ideas? Also, many Disney filmsââ¬âboth new and oldââ¬âin fact do adhere to Christian values. A newcomer to the Disney dynasty, Frozen, has captured the hearts of children from all around the world with its catchy songs and relatable characters. However, it has attracted a vast amount of attention in the media for being one of Disneyââ¬â¢s most implicit Christian films. The two female protagonists, Anna and Elsa, display a wholesome love that shows the viewers how the understanding of love and self-fulfillment affect us. Although Anna a ttempts to find happiness in a man she has just met, and Elsa isolates herself from her family, the end of the movie showcases that they can only find true happiness in sacrificial love. Biblical morality notes that true human development and authentic love occur through self-gift and
Service expectation from high and low volume - Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss about the Service expectation from high and low volume. Answer: Introduction In the contemporary period, with the continuous development of a more integrated and inclusive global economy, especially post Globalization, the commercial and industrial scenarios in the global framework have also been experiencing considerable dynamics and modifications so as to cater to the needs of the customers across the world. Newer industries and cognitions have been cropping up with more and more demand as well as supply side players getting involved in each of these industries. The continuous entry of new supply side players in these industries have been contributing positively to the increase in the competition among the firms. This in turn encourages the firms in these industries to develop their operational framework and implement different methods and strategies in order to keep an edge over their competitors and for capturing larger share of clientele which in turn helps in ensuring profitability and long term sustainability of the companies. One of the primary determinants of the success, profitability and long-term sustainability of the business organizations is the level of customer satisfaction from their commodities or services. This in turn is an extremely crucial indicator for the measuring the well being of the company itself because the prospects of the companies depend hugely on their goodwill which is created by the presence of a large satisfied clientele. This is especially true for food and beverage industries as there usually remain many supply side players in these industries, thereby increasing the number of options in the hands of the customers. There can be different ways in which the companies in these industries can bring in modifications in their operational framework to increase the satisfaction of the customers, of which one of the primary ways is the provision of appropriate training to their employees. Identification of a problem There have been many literary evidences regarding the need for employee training in the contemporary commercial organizations and on the aspects of customer satisfaction as one of the primary determinant of the profitability and sustainability of the business organizations in the highly competitive and globally integrated markets. However, not much work has been done regarding the linkage of these two factors, emphasizing on the effects of training of employees on the customer satisfaction, especially in the food and beverage industry, which has several unique features of its own. The following section tries to conduct an extensive literature review with the objective of studying the above-mentioned linkage, on the perspective of global food and beverage industry, exploring the theoretical as well as the empirical aspects. Literature Review This section of the report tires to study the literary evidences present in the contemporary period regarding the two above-discussed variables, the employee training and the aspects of customer satisfaction, with special emphasis on the food and beverage industry in the global framework. The review incorporates extensive theoretical as well as empirical exploration of each of these variables individually as well as exploration of the relationship between the same, with the help the scholarly works. Independent Variable Training of employees Cascio (2018), in his elaborate work on the management of human resources in the contemporary global commercial environment, describes in details the different employee related operational activities, which the companies undertake, and the requirements behind the same. According to the author, over the years, with the changes in the business prospects of the companies and the demand structures of the customers and also with the increase in the number of competitors in each industry, the need of managing the resources of the companies efficiently has been felt. This has become extremely crucial specifically for the purpose of creating scopes of profitability and future prospects for the companies in the contemporary competitive global business framework (Hassan et al., 2014). Management of resources, as per the assertions of the author, primarily includes development and management of an efficient human resource base in the companies themselves. This is because the productivity and ef ficiency of the human resources form one of the integral part of the operational framework of the companies, on which the profitability as well as the future prospects of the same depends considerably. The assertions regarding the need for management of human resources, as put forward by the author has been supported by many other literary evidences, which include the works of Jehanzeb Bashir (2013). The scholars argue that in face of global competitions in all the industrial and service sectors, it is needed on part of the companies to manage and develop their human resources in such a way that they contribute in making a competitive edge for the companies to stay ahead of their competitors. One of the primary strategies, which the commercial organizations can implement in this aspect, as per the assertions of the authors, is the implementation of training programs for the employees, in order to improve their skills, which in turn is expected to benefit both the employees as well as the employers. According to Elnaga Imran (2013), with the businesses becoming more integrated as well as with the scope of businesses expanding with time, the needs for continuous development of the skills of the employees become absolute necessity, both for the betterment of the employees as well as for the prospects of the business organizations as well. In this aspect, Sweeney Martindale (2012), tries to define the term employee training as the programs, both voluntary as well as involuntary, which are often implemented by the companies in order to develop the existing skills of the employees or to incorporate new skills in them for the purpose of better understanding of their job roles. The trainings, according to the authors, can be both voluntary as well as involuntary. The involuntary training programs make it mandatory for the employees to attend while the voluntary ones gives them the provision to choose to attend or not to attend the same. Benefits of employee training Singh Mohanty (2012) puts forward the bilateral benefits of training of employees in the contemporary business organizations. According to the scholars, on one hand better trained and updated employees lead to the development of skilled, efficient and highly productive workforces in the company, who understand their jobs well and bring out more than what is expected from them. This in turn, increases the prospects of the companies by increasing their overall productivity and cost efficiency and by earning higher trust from their clientele. On the other hand, the development of skills of the employees also help them in individual and personal levels, by empowering them to take up higher job roles and contributing positively in the development of their long term career (Dhar, 2015). Food and Beverage Sectors In this context, the training and skill development of the employees, especially in the companies venturing in global food and beverage sectors and the importance of the same have been highlighted by Odunlami Matthew (2014). According to the authors, the global food and beverage industry has been consistently growing and modifying with the changes in the demands of the customers across the world. The industry, in the contemporary period, has been experiencing modernizations in the aspects of innovations and application of new cost effective as well as superior technologies, with almost 55% of the enterprises globally incorporating innovations in their productions and sales. With the globalization of these sectors and continually increasing usage of internet, e trading is also becoming one of the primary components of changes in this sector. Together these point towards the rapid dynamics and expansion of the concerned industry in the global framework. Figure 1: Export share of process food market in the world (Source: Rais, Acharya Sharma, 2013) According to Turi, Goncalves Mocan (2014), one of the primary hurdles in the expansion and future profitability of the highly dynamic global food and beverage sector, is the presence of insufficient labor force and the absence of high skilled workers. According to the authors, the demand for skilled employee is considerably high in this industry as with the increasing implementation of innovative technologies, the employees should also be capable enough to use the same so as to cater to the customers and their changing demands across the world. As per their arguments, the primary skills, which the employees in the food and beverage sector lack primarily, include the foreign language skills, higher professionalism, organizations as well as learning of the usage of innovative technologies for higher and better production. Theoretical Framework There exist several theoretical models regarding the procedures of employee training in the commercial organizations, the primary ones being discussed as follows: a) Instructional System Design Model Kraiger (2014), in his works, highlights the ISD Model as one of the primary models, which are used widely for the purpose of designing employee trainings so as to increase their overall performances. The model, deals with the determination of the aspects of training, namely- who, when, where, why, what and how. The steps incorporated in the model are as follows: Figure 2: Components of the ISD Model (Source: USGS Human Capital, 2018) As per the model, for appropriate training of employees the employers need to: Analyze the need for the trainings for their employees Plan the goals they want to achieve and select the strategies for imparting training accordingly Develop the training tools and materials accordingly Execute the training programs accordingly Evaluate whether the goals set had been reached by the training programs, by evaluating the performance of the employees b) Transitional Model of Employee Training Another extensive and more inclusive model for employee training, widely implemented across the world is the transitional model. According to Liu et al. (2012), based on the vision, values and the missions of the companies as a whole, the training procedure of the employees in the organizations needs to be developed and executed: Figure 3: Transitional Model of Employee Training (Source: Long, Perumal Ajagbe, 2012) As can be seen from the above figure, the model takes into account the missions, visions and the values of the companies, depending on which the objectives for training the employees are articulated, which leads to the planning, implementation and evaluation of the training programs of the employees. One of the primary objectives of the companies being increase in the number of clients, customer satisfaction becomes one of the primary requirements of the companies in order to increase their profitability and future prospects in the global scenario. Dependant variable Customer Satisfaction The term customer satisfaction has been defined from various perspectives by different scholars. From the commercial point of view, Saeidi et al. (2015), defines customer satisfaction as the measurement of the ways in which the level of utility of the goods and services of different companies meets or surpasses the expectations of the customers. The term, has gained immense importance over the years, with the commercial scenarios becoming more competitive and globally integrating. Importance of customer satisfaction Jhandir (2012), in his elaborate research work regarding the implications of service quality and customer satisfaction in the global commercial aspects, explains the different reasons behind the increase in the importance of the notion of customer satisfaction in different business and marketing arenas in the contemporary period. According to him, the following are the most important reasons for which customer satisfaction has to be treated as one of the primary factors of significance by any company: Customer satisfaction, especially in the recent times in a more competitive business scenario, acts as one of the leading indicators predicting whether the goods and services produced by the companies are repurchased and whether the company gains loyal clientele With the number of supply side players increasing in each of the industries and with each of them gaining global exposure conveniently, high customer satisfaction from the goods and services of a company, acts as an indicator of differentiation of the same from its rivals Tu, Wang Chang (2012), also argues that increase in the customer satisfaction from consumption of goods or services of any company leads to the creation of a higher goodwill of the company, much of which is spread by the word of mouth of the happy and satisfied customers. Similarly, the lack of customer satisfaction also leads to creation of negative word of mouth which in turn effects the long term profitability and sustainability of the company extensively, given the fact that in general the number of options in the hands of customers are much high in almost all the industries. According to Khan (2012), customer satisfaction is considerably important in the contemporary period as given the huge number of supply side providers in each of the industries. Given this scenario, it becomes easier for the contemporary commercial companies to retain their existing customers than acquiring newer clientele, thereby making customer satisfaction a key unit of concern in the contemporary commercial scenario. Customer Satisfaction in food and beverage industry As per the arguments put forward by Wu, Huang Chou (2014), customer satisfaction is even more crucial in the food and beverage industry across the world. The authors put forward several assertions in the support of the same, which can be explained as follows: The food and beverage industry, being the industry producing and supplying raw as well as processed foods and alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, constitutes a crucial part of the daily commodity bundles of the customers. A significant share of the daily expense of the global population goes in buying these commodities, thereby creating considerable scopes of revenue generation for the companies venturing in the supply side of these industries. The initial fixed cost of production in this industry being lesser comparative to many other industries and the global exposure of the food and beverage companies across the world being higher than many other sectors, the level of competition among the firms in this particular sector is considerably high. On the other hand, the demand for foods and beverages for each individual is not unlimited and with the increase in income, the pattern of consumption of the individuals keeps on changing. These together makes it even more competitive for the companies venturing in this sector, which in turn makes customer satisfaction even more important for the companies, as a lot of the profitability, sustainability as well as the global share of clientele depend on how satisfied the customers are with their products and whether they want to repurchase. Brownell (2012), in this context puts forward the notion of healthy eating and organic production in the food and beverage industry. According to the author, in the recent periods, with the negative effects of junk foods and beverages on the global health and obesity conditions coming up, more and more customers are opting to shift towards organic and healthy eating. This shift in the consumption pattern also makes it important for the food and beverage companies to take into account the aspect of customer satisfaction in their production and operational framework. Theoretical Framework Keeping the above discussion in consideration, it therefore becomes immensely important for the companies, especially the food and beverage companies in the international framework, to measure the level of customer satisfaction with their products and to implement necessary procedures in order to increase the same. There are several theoretical frameworks in this aspect, which are discussed as follows: SERVQUAL Model of Customer Satisfaction Given that the topic emphasizes on the food and beverage industry, one of the widely used models in the aspect of measurement of customer satisfaction of the companies, is the SERVQUAL Model of measurement of service quality and customer satisfaction. According to Ryu, Lee Gon Kim (2012), the SERVQUAL method involves multidimensional analysis of measuring the service quality of different companies and industries with the help of the aspects including the perceptions and expectations of the customers availing the products. The model is based on five dimensions of measurements, which are as follows: Figure 4: Five dimensions of measuring service quality and customer satisfaction (Source: Yousapronpaiboon, 2014) The five primary dimensions of the SERVQUAL Model have been explained elaborately in the works of Bhat (2012), according to whom: Reliability indicates towards the ability of the company to perform the services which they promise, appropriately and without any error Responsiveness refers to the presence of a prompt and willing customer service department in the companies Assurance refers to the level of knowledge of the employees of the company and the ability of inducing trust among their customers Tangibles indicates towards the conditions of the facilities, tangible services, communication materials and others with the company, which can have positive implications on the consumers Empathy refers to the presence of the framework where each of the customers have the provision of individual care and attention from the company In this model, the service quality is measured by the following formula: SQ = P-E, Where, P refers to the perception of the given service quality by the customers and Q refers to the expectations of the individuals regarding the service quality of the same Relationship between employee training and customer satisfaction Taking help of the SERVQUAL Model of service quality and customer satisfaction assessment, Beukes, Prinsloo Pelser (2013), tries to assert the importance of implementation of training for the employees for increasing the customer satisfaction, especially in the food and beverage industry. As per the assertions of the authors, there exist several gaps in the model, which if not addressed properly can lead to decrease in the level of satisfaction of the customers. One such gap is the difference between the expectations regarding the service quality and the actual specifications of the same, which is known as the Delivery gap. Another gap, the communication gap, refers to the difference between the intentions of the service delivery and the information, which is provided to the customers. According to the authors, for bridging these gaps and for building up a robust, responsive and empathetic customer service framework in the companies, it is of utmost importance for the companies to implement proper training framework for the employees. These training facilities need to be designed such that the employees are enabled to understand the objectives of the companies as well as demands and complaints of the customers. Trainings can help in bridging the above mentioned gaps as well as the other gaps, including the knowledge gap and the standards gap, which usually are found to be present and hampering the customer satisfaction level, thereby hampering the long term goodwill and profitability of the concerned companies. Conclusion The above review of the existing literatures highlights the different traits present in the aspects of both training of the employees as well as customer satisfaction, with the help of the existing theoretical and conceptual frameworks, drawing the relationships between the two concerned variables. Given the presence of immense global competition and dynamics among the supply side players in almost all types of industries, especially the international food and beverage industry, it becomes evident from the review that there lies extreme importance in the operational framework of the companies to incorporate and evaluate the customer satisfactions and feedbacks of the customers. There also exists the need for employee training and development for the companies in order to achieve greater customer satisfaction, which in turn is expected to have considerable positive implications on the profitability and sustainability of the companies, in the extremely competitive global environment. References Beukes, J., Prinsloo, J. J., Pelser, T. G. (2013). Service expectations from high-and low-volume customers in the alcoholic beverage industry.Acta Commercii,13(1), 8-pages. (Retrieved from: Bhat, M. A. (2012). 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Monday, April 13, 2020
How Can You Tell a Quality Article Writing Service From One That is Not?
How Can You Tell a Quality Article Writing Service From One That is Not?Quality article writing service can be a necessity in many industries. It is necessary in the book industry, in the movie industry, in the software industry, and a host of other industries.There are many writers who do not even think about hiring a quality article writing service, or worse yet, try to do it themselves. That should not be the case at all, especially with the challenges this industry is facing today.Quality service is not something that comes cheap. So you should be careful when choosing a service, because not all service providers are the same. The best way to judge a service provider is by looking at the way they do business.Many services charge more for the information you need to write your articles, like a template for example, or sometimes even to use a tool like an article writing service. Other services will charge for time alone and charge a lot for doing a bunch of marketing campaigns for you.In order to make sure you are getting the best quality article writing service out there, I would highly recommend doing your homework before actually signing up for a service. Find out what they are charging, and don't sign up until you know exactly what it costs.If the article writing service is charging you a high rate, look around a bit more, and see if you can find a quality article writing service that offers better rates. When you find such a service, then you should go ahead and sign up for their service.You should look for more than just a blog site where you can have an article posted as soon as you complete it, but an article writing service that allows you to write a series of articles, and then allows you to post them on your own blog. This type of service allows you to control your own marketing and creates the kind of relationship you want with your customer.The article writing service you choose should have features that allow you to control your marketing effor ts and be concerned with your website traffic. Article writing services that only care about article marketing should not be trusted, and definitely not hire.
Sunday, April 5, 2020
The Number One Article on Maternity Topics for Essay
The Number One Article on Maternity Topics for Essay They say that you need to never speak about politics or religion since it isn't polite. Try out one of these essay topics to research and earn insight on a few of the biggest challenges and questions our society faces when it has to do with health. What's more, education changed. Body Paragraphs There is a substantial deficiency of enough sex education among teenagers in the United States. Education scholars are continuously evolving the way that they think about how we learn and what's taught. Many students know that it's hard to effectively develop an argumentative topic. Individuals will be treated differently for different circumstances and it's inevitable. Studies have discovered that there's no difference in conceiving in the event that you have sex only while fertile or daily. When mothers return to work they won't be up-to-date with recent developments in the firm. The problem of teen pregnancy has been a substantial issue in many nations all over the world. Only women are entitled to get the leave payment and that also is dependent upon their incomes. There is an important deficiency of enough sex education among teenagers in the united states. New Step by Step Roadmap for Maternity Topics for Essay Like the other controversial parenting topics, do your research, speak to your healthcare providers, then create the choice that's appropriate for you and your infant. Introduction Thesis Teen pregnancy is brought on by a plethora of issues and absence of parental guidance and support is simply one of the numerous causes. To have the abil ity to examine these changes, you have to juxtapose traditional and modern-day means of life. Bad parenting styles is an important cause of teenage pregnancy. It is possible to even check out several reviews and after that opt for the business that is most suitable for your requirements and very affordable budget. The primary problem is there are many scam businesses, and you need to prevent these. It's extremely important to read carefully essay services reviews, because you would like to avoid low superior services. This is the reason we wish to discover the very best quality services that provide online services at economical costs. By reading this section you will figure out if urgent deadlines are accepted and in the event the business indeed respects your deadlines. Companies are going to be able to keep a great member of staff. Check out our writing services reviews and see how top rated essay writing they work. How to Find Maternity Topics for Essay Online In the event the initial care provided isn't successful a nurse must develop a different plan of action. Just one worker was in a position to move into a new property. Pay maternity leave might be quite helpfull for them. In time past, paternity leave hasn't been socially acceptable at work. If you're thinking that you will need someone to compose my essay at this time, you can just rely on our honest reviews. The point is you want to convince the reader your argument is the perfect one, which means you'll absolutely want to choose a topic that you're passionate about and something which you will become excited about researching and writing. Wit h all these things to argue about and for, it may be a bit overwhelming to develop a topic all on your own. When you're picking your topic, bear in mind that it's much simpler to write about something which you presently have interest ineven in case you don't know a good deal about it. You might find something you are able to use, or something you're able to adapt for the particular guidelines of your paper. There are many things that may be discussed in regards to education. The place is cramped and extremely overcrowded. The issue is that everybody's interpretation of what makes a great society differs.
Wednesday, March 11, 2020
Essay Topics For Harvard University
Essay Topics For Harvard UniversityHarvard University has a great curriculum for their college students, and they also have many supplemental essays to choose from. The best part is that each of these essays has a unique tone and style.Harvard students do have a lot of choices when it comes to essays to choose from that are in English Literature and other essay topics. This can be frustrating for some students because they think that the topic they choose is not going to be as good as their classmates have chosen. Most of the time, students can look at the specific essay topic and can get a better feel for what type of essay will be most appropriate. Here are a few of the different topics that you may consider for your class.One of the more common essay topics that students often choose for their classes is one in English Literature. There are many reasons that English Literature is a great supplemental essay topic. First of all, it is a very interesting subject. You will be able to write about characters like Emily Dickinson, Emily Dickinson's contemporaries, and even the characters in one of her poems. When writing an essay on this subject, you will also be able to give examples of creative and modern writing.A student might choose Houston Chronicle as a supplemental topic for English Literature. They can read the news on a daily basis and you will be able to discuss the best stories in the newspaper. This is a great way to write about the daily events of Houston and its people.One of the more popular topics for Harvard College is Writing for the Web. It is a great way to see how you would write for an audience of one. When writing for a public audience, you will need to be more specific than you would normally be when writing for an individual. With Writing for the Web, you can take your audience into a virtual world that you would normally never be able to do in person. You will be able to show how you can communicate with a virtual audience and what types of graphics and fonts you would use.Another commonly used topic for English Literature is your own writing. Students can use their own experiences and write about things that have influenced them and why they think that a writer should write about it. For example, if a student writes about their family tree, they can talk about their ancestors and why it was important to them to write.One of the most frequently chosen essay topics is history. Students love to learn about the past and they can learn about where it all began. These classes will cover a variety of historical events and facts, from ancient Greece and Rome, to the Revolutionary War and even the Civil War. This is a great way to learn about the world through a different perspective and to learn about the different cultures and histories of various countries.If you are having trouble choosing essay topics for your English Literature course, you can turn to the guidance of your professor or another student. You will find ma ny examples online of other students' essays. Talk to them about the topic that you are interested in and use their advice to help you write an essay that will be right for your class.
Thursday, February 6, 2020
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